Every film we show is somehow connected to the previous one screened – sort of like
a perpetual double bill.

After each screening the audience votes between three films linked to the one they’ve just watched to decide what we will show in a fortnight's time.

This is the chain so far: 

The Player (Robert Altman, 1992)
Hollywood given the Altman treatment.
Link: Films referenced in The Player
Choices: Bicycle Thieves, Sunset Boulevard, Touch of Evil

& the winner was…


Bicycle Thieves (Vittorio De Sica, 1948)
A father and son trawl post-war Rome in search of a lost bicycle.
Links: Bicycles, fly-posters, family ties
Choices: Breaking Away, Gilda, Paper Moon

& the winner was…


Paper Moon (Peter Bogdanovich, 1973)
A father and daughter con their way through Depression-era America.
Link: The Art of The Con
Choices: The Color of Money, The Grifters, House of Games

& the winner was…


The Grifters (Stephen Frears, 1990)
Three professional con-artists tear themselves apart as family loyalty goes badly awry
Link: Bad Muthas
Choices: Animal Kingdom, Psycho, White Heat

& the winner was…


White Heat (Raoul Walsh, 1949)
Unhinged gangster with mother-complex leads predictably ill-fated heist on chemical plant. 
Link: Psychotic Egos
Choices: Aguirre, Wrath of God, Sweet Smell of Success, Throne of Blood

 & the winner was… 


Sweet Smell of Success (Alexander Mackendrick, 1957)
Press agent and Broadway columnist sweat it out in seedy 1950s New York
Link: New York-set films directed by Brits
Choices: Midnight Cowboy, Saturday Night Fever, Shame

 & the winner was… 


Midnight Cowboy (John Schlesinger, 1969)
Country-boy with dreams of making it as a hustler moves to the Big Apple
Link: Odd Couples
Choices: Harold and Maude, Midnight Run, The Odd Couple

 & the winner was… 


Harold and Maude (Hal Ashby, 1971)
Troubled teenager begins touching relationship with a lively septuagenarian
Link: Commercial Flops
Choices: King of Comedy, Night of the Hunter, Peeping Tom 

 & the winner was… 


The King of Comedy (Martin Scorsese, 1983)
Would-be comedian becomes obsessed with talk-show host.
Link: TV Fame
Choices: To Die For, Tootsie, The Truman Show

 & the winner was… 


Tootsie (Sydney Pollack, 1982)
Dustin Hoffman is Michael Dorsey is Dorothy Michaels
Link: Transformation
Choices: La Belle et La Bette, Orlando, Zelig

 & the winner was… 


Zelig (Woody Allen, 1983)
Human chameleon just wants to be loved.
Link: Freaks
Choices: The Elephant Man, The Enigma of Kaspa Hauser, Freaks

 & the winner was… 


The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser (Werner Herzog, 1974)
Feral man introduced to 19th Century German society
Link: Untrained actors
Choices: Beasts of the Southern Wild, Fish Tank, Pickpocket 

 & the winner was… 


Pickpocket (Robert Bresson, 1959)
Light-fingered existential angst.
Link: Übermensches
Choices: Naked, Rope, Taxi Driver

& the winner was... 


Rope (Alfred Hitchcock, 1948)
Murder as an intellectual exercise. 
Link: Adaptations from plays.
Choices: Glengarry Glen Ross, A Streetcar Named Desire, A Taste of Honey

& the winner was... 


Glengarry Glen Ross (James Foley, 1982)
Always. Be. Closing. 
Link: Sweaty desperation.
Choices: Fargo, The Long Good Friday, The Maltese Falcon

 & the winner was...


The Long Good Friday (John Mackenzie, 1980)
'Ands Across The Ocean!
Link: The Special Relationship.
Choices: An American Werewolf in London, Local Hero, A Matter of Life and Death

 & the winner was...


Local Hero (Bill Foysyth, 1983)
US oil tycoon sets sights Scottish beach
Link: Strangers in a Strange (Scot)Land
Choices: Brigadoon, I Know Where I'm Going!, The Wicker Man 

 & the winner was...


Brigadoon (Vincente Minnelli, 1954)
American tourists stumble across miraculous highland village
Link: Fantasy Worlds
Choices: Alice, Being John Malkovich, Heavenly Creatures

& the winner was...


Heavenly Creatures (Peter Jackson, 1992)
Vivid adolescent fantasy gets out of hand
Link: Fatal Friendships
Choices: Badlands, Dog Day Afternoon, Prick Up Your Ears

& the winner was...


Prick Up Your Ears (Stephen Frears, 1987)
The brilliant life and brutal death of British playwrite, Joe Orton
Link: Dramatist, dramatize Thyself!
Choices: Barton Fink, Bullets Over Broadway, In A Lonely Place

& the winner was...


In A Lonely Place (Nicholas Ray, 1950)
Hollywood Hack Linked To Hatcheck Girl Murder!
Link: Them Next Door
Choices: 10 Rillington Place, Arlington Road, Rosemary's Baby

& the winner was...


10 Rillington Place (Richard Fleischer, 1971)
True-life story of serial killer John Christie
Link: Capital Punishment
Choices: Capote, M, Paths of Glory

& the winner was...


Paths of Glory (Stanley Kubrick, 1957)
Glory-seeking general sends troops on an impossible mission
Link: The Great War
Choices: The African Queen, La Grande Illusion, The Shooting Party 

 & the winner was...


The Shooting Party (Alan Bridges, 1985)
The calm before the storm
Link: Weekends
Choices: Lift to the Scaffold, Lost Weekend, Stardust Memories

 & the winner was...


Lift to the Scaffold (Louis Malle, 1958)
Miles Davis-scored French Noir
Link: Slumming Soundtrackers
Choices: Night on Earth, Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid, The Virgin Suicides

 & the winner was...


Night On Earth (Jim Jarmusch,1991)
Link: It Happened One Night
Choices: After Hours, American Graffiti, Night of the Living Dead

& the winner was...


American Graffiti (George Lucas, 1973)
Summer's here and the time is right / we're going racing in the streets
Link: Let Us Put Away Childish Things
Choices: 400 Blows, Blue Velvet, Wish You Were Here

& the winner was...


400 Blows (Francois Truffaut, 1959)
Why you little...
Link: They Fuck You Up
Choices: Back to the Future, Capturing the Friedmans, Kind Hearts and Coronets

& the winner was...


Capturing the Friedmans (Andrew Jarecki, 2003)
Homemovie Hell
Link: All This Filming Isn't Healthy
Choices: Autofocus, Peeping Tom, Sex, Lies and Videotape

& the winner was...


Peeping Tom (Michael Powell, 1960)
Have camera will kill...
Link: Here Comes The Sixties!
Choices: A Hard Day's Night, Saturday Night, Sunday Morning, The Servant

& the winner was...


The Servant (Joseph Losey, 1963)
Class War Gets Sexy
Choices: The Blue Angel, The Last Seduction, Throne of Blood

& the winner was...


The Blue Angel (Josef von Sternberg, 1931)
Elderly professor loses all dignity for cabaret star
Link: Nightclubbin'
Choices: Cabaret, Le Samourai, Some Like It Hot

& the winner was...


Cabaret (Bob Fosse, 1972)
Berlin dances on the brink
Link: Post-War Berlin
Choices: Goodbye, Lenin!, One, Two, Three, Wings of Desire

& the winner was...


Wings of Desire (Wim Wenders, 1981)
Angels watching over West Berlin
Link: Angels
Choices: All That Jazz, Heaven Can Wait, A Matter of Life and Death

& the winner was...


All That Jazz (Bob Fosse, 1979)
It's Show-Time!
Link: Directors & Their Semi-Autobiographical Films
Choices: Bad Education, Long Day Closes, Mean Streets

& the winner was...


Mean Streets (Martin Scorsese, 1973)
"Jap adapters?"
Link: Low-Level Mobsters
Choices: Altlantic City, Donnie Brasco, The Friends of Eddie Coyle

& the winner was...


Atlantic City (Louise Malle, 1980)
Never-was has-been makes last grab for glory!
Link: One Last Roll of the Dice
Choices: The Color of Money, The Shootist, Sunset Blvd

& the winner was...


The Shootist (Don Siegal, 1976)
Aging legend just wants to die with dignity
Link: When They Were Young...
Choices: The Big Sleep, Mr Smith Goes to Washington, Stagecoach

& the winner was...


The Big Sleep (Howard Hawks, 1946)
"The Picture They Were Born For!"
Link: Dicks in Flicks
Choices: Chinatown, The Long Goodbye, Vertigo

& the winner was...


Chinatown (Roman Polanski, 1974)
"Forget it, Jake..."
Link: H20
Choices: Jean de Florette, The Man Who Fell To Earth, The Swimmer

& the winner was...


The Swimmer (Frank Perry/ Sydney Pollack, 1968)
Middle-aged suburbanite swims home via the pools of his neighbours
Link: Truth & Lies
Choices: 12 Angry Men, Citizen Kane, Rashomon

& the winner was...


Rashomon (Akira Kurosawa, 1950)
What happened here, then?
Link: Mysteries!
Choices: Les Diaboliques, The Third Man, The Vanishing

 & the winner was...


The Vanishing (George Sluizer, 1988)
An inexplicable disappearance leads to years of searching
Link: Obsessions
Choices: Close Encounters of the Third Kind, The Conversation, Pi

 & the winner was...


The Conversation (Francis Ford Copolla, 1974)
Surveillance expert suffers crisis of conscience
Link: Big Brother Is Watching You
Choices: 1984, All the President's Men, The Lives of Others

 & the winner was...


The Lives of Others (Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck, 2006)
Surveillance expert suffers crisis of conscience
Link: Cold War Allegories
Choices: High Noon, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, On the Waterfront

 & the winner was...


On The Waterfront (Elia Kazan, 1954)
Union corruption & sibling rivalry
Link: Brothers
Choices: The King of Marvin Gardens, Meantime, Raging Bull

 & the winner was...


The King of Marvin Gardens (Bob Rafelson, 1972)
Two brothers try to get rich quick in Atlantic City
Link: Ill-fated business ventures
Choices: McCabe & Mrs Miller, The Producers, The Treasure of the Sierra Madre

 & the winner was...


The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (John Huston, 1948)
American desperados go a-prospectin'
Link: GOLD!
Choices: Aguirre, Wrath of God, The Gold Rush, The Lavender Hill Mob

 & the winner was...


Aguirre, Wrath of God (Werner Herzog, 1972)
Oh, El Doraaaaaaado?
Link: Messing About on the River
Choices: L'Atalante, The Night of the Hunter, Young Adam

 & the winner was...


Night of the Hunter (Charles Laughton, 1955)
Evil preacher terrorises family
Link: Southern Gothic
Choices: The Beguiled, Southern Comfort, A Streetcar Named Desire

 & the winner was...


A Streetcar Named Desire (Elia Kazan, 1951)
Ageing Southern Belle is tormented into madness by brutish brother-in-law
Link: Pyschosexual Breakdowns
Choices: Black Narcissus, Death in Venice, Repulsion

 & the winner was...


Repulsion (Roman Polanski, 1965)
Horrors of the past haunt introverted loner
Link: English-Speaking Débuts of European Directors
Choices: Pretty Baby, Taking Off, Sunrise

 & the winner was...


Taking Off (Milos Forman, 1971)
Middle-class suburbanites lose daughter to Greenwich Village long-hairs
Link: Hollywood's Take on the Counter-Culture
Choices: Bonnie & Clyde, Dark Star, M*A*S*H

 & the winner was...


Dark Star (John Carpenter, 1974)
We're, like, far out, man
Link: Rough Diamond Débuts
Choices: Blood Simple, Targets, Who's That Knocking At My Door?

 & the winner was...


 Blood Simple (Joel & Ethan Coen, 1984)
D.I.V.O.R.C.E, neo-noir style...  
Link: Unhappily Marrieds
Choices: The Awful Truth, Les Diaboliques, Husbands & Wives

& the winner was...


Les Diaboliques (Henri-Georges Clouzot, 1955)
D.I.V.O.R.C.E. a la film noir... 
Link: Private Schools
Choices: If..., Rushmore, Suspiria

& the winner was...


Rushmore (Wes Anderson, 1998)
The kid's a trier... 
Link: Child Prodigies/ Precocious Brats
Choices: The Innocents, Leon, Spellbound

& the winner was...


Leon (Luc Besson, 1994)
Professional killer-cum-amateur child-minder
Link: Assassins
Choices: The Conformist, The Day of the Jackal, Le Samouraï

& the winner was...


The Conformist (Bernardo Bertolucci, 1970)
Upper-class prof becomes fascist stooge
Link: Exploited by Fascism
Choices: The Counterfeiters, Mephisto, The Remains of the Day

& the winner was...


The Counterfeiters (Stefan Ruzowtzki, 2007)
Nazi's plan to forge the British Pound
Link: Based on a non-fiction book
Choices: All The President's Men, The French Connection, Moneyball

& the winner was...


All the President's Men (Alan J Pakula, 1976)
Forget it, Carl, it's Watergate!
Link: I'm gonna get the papers, get the papers
Choices: Ace in the Hole, Citizen Kane, His Girl Friday

& the winner was...


Ace in the Hole (Billy Wilder, 1951)
Link: Wilder!
Choices: The Lost Weekend, One, Two, Three!, Some Like it Hot, Sunset Blvd. 

& the winner was...


One, Two, Three (Billy Wilder, 1961)
Teenage daughter of US industrialist falls for German card-carrying Commie
Link: Is She Really Going Out With Him?
Choices: Badlands, La Belle et la Bête, The Purple Rose of Cairo

& the winner was...


Badlands (Terrence Malick, 1973)
I saw her standin' / on her front lawn
Link: Stone-Cold Classic Debuts
Choices: A Bout de Souffle, The Maltese Falcon, This Is Spinal Tap 

& the winner was...


The Maltese Falcon (John Huston, 1941)
The stuff dreams are made of...
Link: Some Other Stuff
Choices: Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Red Shoes, Winchester '73 

& the winner was...


The Red Shoes (Powell & Pressburger, 1948)
Put on your red shoes and dance the blues...
Link: Quiet: Genius at Work!
Choices: The Rebel, Sweet and Lowdown, Wonder Boys 

& the winner was...


Sweet and Lowdown (Woody Allen, 1999)
The life & loves of a jazz guitarist
Link: Woody!
Choices: Bullets Over Broadway, Husbands & Wives, The Purple Rose of Cairo, Stardust Memories 

& the winner was...


Husbands & Wives (  Woody Allen  , 1992)
The end of a beautiful relationship
Link: Blood On The Reels
Choices: Lady from Shanghai, Shampoo, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

& the winner was...


Lady From Shanghai (Orson Welles, 1947)
Pulp B-Movie Noir Welles-style!
Link: We're going to need a bigger yacht...
Choices: All Is Lost, The Knife in  the Water, Plein Soleil

& the winner was...


Plein Soleil (René Clément, France, 1960)
Talented Monsieur Rippley
Link: Identity Theft
Choices: Gattaca, Heaven Can Wait, The Passenger

& the winner was...


The Passenger (Michelangelo Antonioni, 1975)
Jaded war correspondent trades in one life for another
Link: Rip it up & start again
Choices: Alice Doesn't Live Here Any More, The Lavender Hill Mob, Stroszek 

& the winner was...


Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore (Martin Scorsese, 1974)
Widowed Waitress's Lust for Fame!
Link: Sons & Mothers
Choices: Animal Kingdom, Mamma Roma, Le Souffle au Coeur

& the winner was...


Animal Kingdom (David Michôd, Australia, 2010) 
Link: Tugs o' War
Choices: His Girl Friday, The Lost Weekend, Sexy Beast

& the winner was...


Sexy Beast (Jonathan Glazer, UK, 2000) 
Rude awakenings on the Costa del Crime
Link: One. Last. Job.
Choices: The Killing, Rififi, The Unforgiven

& the winner was...


The Killing (Stanley Kubrick, US, 1955) 
A fail-safe racetrack heist. Hubris-ahoy! 
Link: Non-linear narratives
Choices: Bad Timing, The Mirror, Two for the Road

& the winner was...


Two For The Road (Stanley Donen, UK, 1967)
A marriage remembered via motoring holidays in France
Link: On The Road!
Choices: The Last Detail, Sullivan's Travels, Wild Strawberries

& the winner was...


Sullivan's Travels (Preston Sturges, US, 1941)
Hollywood director goes slummin' 
Link: Hollywood on Hollywood
Choices: The Bad & the Beautiful, Barton Fink, Sunset Blvd.

& the winner was...


Sunset Blvd. (Billy Wilder, US, 1950)
Faded star on the comeback trail
Link: Do call it a comeback!
Choices: The Color of Money, Whatever Happened to Baby Jane, Wonder Boys

& the winner was...


Wonder Boys (Curtis Hanson, US, 2000)
That difficult second novel... 
Link: BOB!
Choices: Don't Look Back, I'm Not There, Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid

& the winner was...


I'm Not There (Todd Haynes, US, 2007)
That thin wild mercury film
Link: It's a biopic, Jim, but not as we know it
Choices: 32 Short Films about Glenn Gould, Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters, Of Time & the City

& the winner was...


Of Time and the City (Terence Davies, UK, 2008)
"We are being gathered in at gloaming..."
Link: Tel!
Choices: The Deep Blue Sea, The House of Mirth, The Long Day Closes

& the winner was...


The House of Mirth (Terence Davies, UK, 2000)
How do you solve a problem like Lily?
Link: Unconventional Wisdom
Choices: Frances Ha, Mahanagar, A Taste of Honey

& the winner was...


Frances Ha (Noah Baumbach, US, 2012)
Link: Directors & their muses
Choices: Gloria, Manhattan, Raging Bull

& the winner was...


Gloria (John Cassavetes, US, 1980)
On the lam in NYC
Link: Reluctant Guardians
Choices: Bringing Up Baby, The Last Detail, The Steel Helmet

& the winner was...


The Steel Helmet (Sam Fuller, US, 1951)
Hey! This Buddhist temple looks like a good place to hide...
Choices: Assault on Precinct 13, The Birds, Night of the Living Dead

& the winner was...


Assault on Precinct 13 (John Carpenter, US, 1976)
Street-gang declares WAR!
Link: Street Fightin' Gangs
Choices: The Firm, Los Olvidados, The Warriors, 

& the winner was...


Los Olvidados (The Forgotten Ones) (Luis Buñuel, Mexico, 1950)
It's hard to be a saint in the city...
Link: Role-models
Choices: The Last Picture Show, Meantime, Rebel Without a Cause

& the winner was...


Meantime (Mike Leigh, UK, 1984)
It's hard to be a saint in the city...
Link: Made-for-TV
Choices: Duel, The Last Seduction, The Naked Civil Servant

& the winner was...


The Last Seduction (John Dahl, USA, 1994)
She's a femme fatale...
Link: Here they come...
Choices: Double Indemnity, The Killers, Out of the Past

& the winner was...


Double Indemnity (Billy Wilder, USA, 1944)
Murder she said!
Link: No more Mr. Nice Guy/Gal
Choices: Fight Club, M, Rear Window

& the winner was...


M (Fritz Lang, Germany, 1931)
Unsolved child murders cause civil disquiet in Weimar Berlin.
Link: Something Rotten in the state of Denmark...
Choices: Do The Right Thing, The Masque of the Red Death, The White Ribbon

& the winner was...


The White Ribbon (Michael Haneke, Germany, 2009)
An old man recalls a series of unexplained events from his past
Link: ...They do things differently there
Choices: The Go-Between, The Mirror, Wild Strawberries

& the winner was...


The Mirror (Andrei Tarkovsky, Russia, 1975)
An old man recalls a series of unexplained events from his past
Link: Dream dream dream...
Choices: Billy Liar, Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Spellbound

& the winner was...


Billy Liar (John Schlesinger, UK, 1963)
"But do you think you've made the right decision this time?"
Link: British New Wave
Choices: Saturday Night and Sunday Morning, A Taste of Honey, This Sporting Life

& the winner was...


A Taste of Honey (Tony Richardson, UK, 1961)
"The dream has gone but the baby is real..."
Link: Some girls' mothers are bigger than other girls' mothers...
Choices: Autumn Sonata, Grey Gardens, Imitation of Life

& the winner was...


Grey Gardens (Maysles Brothers, USA, 1975)
Eccentric mother & daughter documented
Link: More eccentrics documented
Choices: Crumb, The Grizzly Man, The Jazz Baroness

& the winner was...


The Jazz Baroness (Hannah Rothschild, UK, 2009)
British heiress's love for High Priest of Bebop, Thelonious Monk
Link: JAZZ!
Choices: All Night Long, Round Midnight, Young Man With A Horn

& the winner was...


Young Man With A Horn (Michael Curtiz, USA, 1950)
Kirk blows hard.
Link: KIRK!
Choices: The Bad and The Beautiful, Lonely are The Brave, Seven Days in May

& the winner was...


Seven Days in May (John Frankenheimer, USA, 1964)
Cold War hots up
Link: Nukes
Choices: Dr Strangelove, Hiroshima Mon Amour, When the Wind Blows 

& the winner was...


Hiroshima Mon Amour (Alain Resnais, France, 1959)
Love after the bomb
Link: Ships in the Night...
Choices: Before Sunrise, Roman Holiday, Shakespeare Wallah

& the winner was...


Shakespeare Wallah (James Ivory, UK, 1965)
A family of actors tour India to dwindling returns
Link: Shakey!
Choices: The Dresser, Theatre of Blood, To Be Or Not To Be

& the winner was...


To Be Or Not To Be (Ernst Lubitsch, USA, 1942)
A troupe of Polish actors  struggle against the Nazis
Link: German Emigres
Choices: The Heiress, The Killers, Scarlet Street

& the winner was...


The Heiress (William Wyler, USA, 1949)
A spot of the ol' melodram' down Washington Square way...
Link: Old New York
Choices: The Age of Innocence, Hester Street, Park Row

& the winner was...


Hester Street (Joan Micklin Silver, USA, 1975)
An everday tale of Jewish immigrant folk...
Link: Coming to America
Choices:  Stranger Than Paradise, Stroszek, The Visitor

& the winner was...


The Visitor (Tom McCarthy, USA, 2007)
Lonely widowed professor finds new friends
Link: Widowers
Choices:  Late Spring, Rebecca, Wild Strawberries

& the winner was...


Late Spring (Yasujirō Ozu, Japan, 1949)
Widower attempts to marry off his only daughter
Link: Tokyo!
Choices: Akira, Godzilla, Stray Dog

& the winner was...


Stray Dog (Akira Kurosawa, Japan, 1949)
A cop loses his gun in post-War Tokyo
Link: Heatwave!
Choices: Do The Right Thing, Dog Day Afternoon, Rear Window

& the winner was...


Do The Right Thing (Spike Lee,  US, 1989)
Race relations reach boiling point
Link: Race Relations
Choices: Chocolat, The Landlord, Sapphire

& the winner was...


Sapphire (Basil Dearden,  UK, 1959)
Hampstead Heath Whodunnit?
Link: North London
Choices: Amy, High Hopes, The Ladykillers

& the winner was...


High Hopes (Mike Leigh,  UK, 1988)
"I'll put a tie on the day they machine gun the royal family"
Link: Class Clashes
Choices: Blue Collar, The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover ,The Rules of the Game

& the winner was...


The Rules of the Game (Jean Renoir,  France, 1939)
Les Upstairs et les Downstairs
Link: Inauspicious Receptions
Choices: Bringing Up Baby, Citizen Kane, Vertigo

& the winner was...


Bringing Up Baby (Howard Hawks,  USA, 1939)
Mild-mannered palaeontologist WLTA free-spirited heiress (pref no pets)
Choices: Flirting with Disaster, Raising Arizona, What's Up Doc? 

& the winner was...


What's Up, Doc? (Peter Bogdanovich,  USA, 1971)
Mild-mannered palaeontologist WLTA free-spirited heiress (pref no pets)
Link: Homages
Choices: L'Appartament, Far From Heaven, Stardust Memories 

& the winner was...


L’Appartement (Gilles Momouni, France, 1996)
An old flame sparks off new obsessions
Link: Old Flames
Choices: Casablanca, The Hired Hand, Paris, Texas 

& the winner was...


Paris, Texas (Wim Wenders, USA, 1984)
An amnesiac drifter returns to the world
Link: Texas!
Choices: Days of Heaven, Hud, Lone Star 

& the winner was...


Lone Star (John Sayles, USA, 1996)
Small town sheriff uncovers dark family secret
Link: Family Secrets
Choices: Festen, Ida, Secrets and Lies

& the winner was...


Festen (Thomas Vinterberg, Denmark, 1998)
A family celebration goes awry
Link: P.A.R.T.Y.
Choices: The Discrete Charm of the Bourgeoisie, The Masque of the Red Death, Grosse Pointe Blank

& the winner was...


The Discrete Charm of the Bourgeoisie (Luis Buñuel, France, 1972)
Surrealism scuppers supper
Link: Surrealism-A-Go-Go
Choices: Mulholland Drive, Orphée, Possession 

& the winner was...


Possession (Andrzej Żuławski, France-Germany, 1981)
Surrealism scuppers marriage
Choices: Freaks, Panic in Needle Park, Shock Corridor

& the winner was...


Shock Corridor (Sam Fuller, USA, 1963)
Reporter Goes Undercover For Pulitzer Glory!
Link: You Don't Need To Be Mad To Work Here But...
Choices: One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Spellbound, Titicut Follies 

& the winner was... 


Spellbound (Alfred Hitchcock, USA, 1945)
When they was moidor. (And psychiatry.)
Link: What's My Name?
Choices: Desperately Seeking Susan, Mr Arkadin, The Man Without a Past

& the winner was... 


The Man Without a Past (Aki Kaurismäki, Finland, 2002)
Life on the Edge (of Helsinki)
Link: Finland, Finland, Finland! 
Choices: White Reindeer, Steam of Life, The Worthless

& the winner was... 


The White Reindeer (Erik Blomberg, Finland, 1952)
Fifties Finnish Hoofy Horror
Link: Fairy Stories
Choices: La Belle et la Bête, Company of Wolves, Prince Achmed

& the winner was... 


La Belle et la Bête (Jean Cocteau, France, 1946)
La Beauty and La Beast!
Link: Punching Above One's Weight
Choices: Bedazzled, Cyrano de Bergerac, Gregory's Girl  

& the winner was... 


Gregory's Girl  (Bill Forsyth, UK, 1981)
Laddie luvs Lassie
Link: Teenage Angst
Choices: Ghost World, The Last Picture Show, Rebel Without a Cause

& the winner was... 


The Last Picture Show (Peter Bogdanovich, USA, 1971)
Cold, Cold Hearts in Small Town, Texas
Link: 50's Small Towns, USA
Choices: Bad Day at Black Rock, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Long Hot Summer

& the winner was... 


The Long, Hot Summer (Martin Ritt, USA, 1958)
Drifter smoulders in Small Town, USA
Link: Amalgamations
Choices: Jesus' Son, Mishima, Tales of Hoffmann

& the winner was... 


Jesus' Son (Alison Maclean, USA, 1999)
Coz when the smack begins to flow...
Link: Too Much Junky Business
Choices: Drugstore Cowboy, The Man With The Golden Arm, The Panic In Needle Park

& the winner was... 


The Panic In Needle Park (Jerry Schatzberg, USA, 1971)
...I really don't care anymore.
Link: You Can Call Him Al
Choices: Dog Day Afternoon, Scarecrow, Serpico

& the winner was...


Serpico (Sidney Lumet, USA, 1973)
Al goes deep undercover
Link: Corruption
Choices: Blue Collar, Death in Venice, Mephisto

& the winner was...


Mephisto (István Szabó, Hungary, 1981)
Actor sells soul to the Nazis for fame, fame fatal fame
Link: Hey Diddly Dee / An Actor's Life For Me!
Choices: All About Eve, Floating Weeds, Persona 

& the winner was...


 Persona  (Ingmar Bergman, Sweden, 1966)
Nurse cares for mute actress; does enough talking for both of them.
Link: Personality Crisis!
Choices: 3 Women, Mulholland Drive, Performance 

& the winner was...


3 Women (Robert Altman, USA, 1977)
Strange pair of physical therapists begin even stranger relationship
Link: Outside The Canon
Choices: Mr Arkadin, Saint Jack, Small Back Room 

& the winner was...


Saint Jack (Peter Bogdanovich, USA, 1979)
Ex-pat pimp dreams big
Link: Ex-pat!
Choices: Casablanca, The Heart of the Matter, Wages of Fear

& the winner was...


The Heart of the Matter (George More O'Ferrall, UK, 1953)
Catholic copper wracked with guilt over affair
Link: Greeneland!
Choices: The Fallen Idol, This Gun for Hire, Ministry of Fear

& the winner was...


Ministry of Fear (Fritz Lang, USA, 1944)
Wrong man fingered by Nazis
Link: Kafkaesque!
Choices: Brazil, Seconds, The Trial

& the winner was...


The Trial (Orson Welles, France/West Germany/Italy, 1962)
Orson does Franz
Link: Orson!
Choices: Chimes at Midnight, F for Fake, The Magnificent Ambersons

& the winner was...


Chimes at Midnight (Orson Welles, Spain/Switzerland, 1965)
 Wellesy does Shaky
Link: Shaky!
Choices: King Lear, Macbeth, Prospero's Books

& the winner was...


Prospero's Books (Peter Greenaway, UK, 1991)
 Arthouse Tempest. May contain nuts.
Link: "Now our revels all are ended..."
Choices: Gosford Park, The Masque of the Red Death, The Music Room

& the winner was...


Jalsaghar (The Music Room) (Satyajit Ray, India, 1958)
 Ageing aristro hosts party
Link: Music Lovers
Choices: 24 Hour Party People, The Phantom of the Opera, Saturday Night Fever

& the winner was...


24 Hour Party People (Michael Winterbottom, UK, 2002)
 Pills, Thrills & Unsustainable Business Models
Link: "Manchester, so much to answer for..."
Choices: Hell Is A City, Hobson's Choice, Raining Stones

& the winner was...

Raining Stones (Ken Loach, UK, 1993)
 Some girls’ dresses are more expensive than other girls’ dresses
Link: “I was looking for a job / and then I found a job…”
Choices: Days of Heaven, Grapes of Wrath, Stroszek

& the winner was...

Stroszek (Werner Herzog, Germany, 1977)
 Coming to … Wisconsin?
Link: Motley Crews
Choices: The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, A Canterbury Tale, The Misfits

 & the winner was…

The Misfits (John Huston, USA, 1961)
 Swansongs A-Go-Go
Link: More Swansongs
Choices: 1984, Autumn Sonata, The Harder They Fall

 & the winner was…

Autumn Sonata (Ingmar Bergman, Sweden, 1978)
 Mother & Daughter Reunion
Link: Pianists
Choices: The Beat That My Heart Skipped, The Piano Teacher, Thirty-Two Short Films About Glen Gould

 & the winner was…

The Beat That My Heart Skipped (Jacques Audiard, France, 2005)
 Charismatic young thug just wants to tickle the ivories
Link: Crime vs Respectability
Choices: Ashes & Diamonds, The Harder They Come, Who’s That Knocking At My Door?

 & the winner was…

Ashes and Diamonds (Andrzej Wajda, Poland, 1958)
 Last day of WWII and One Last Job to do…
Link: Political Assassinations
Choices: The Day of The Jackal, Love and Death, The Manchurian Candidate

 & the winner was…

The Manchurian Candidate (John Frankenheimer, USA, 1962)
 Anyone for cards?
Link: Mind control!
Choices: The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Gaslight, Martha Marcy May Marlene

& the winner was…

Gaslight (George Cukor, USA, 1944)
 He’s driving me crazy!
Link: Bad Husbands
Choices: Charulata (The Lonely Wife), Drowning By Numbers, The Purple Rose of Cairo

& the winner was…

Charulata (The Lonely Wife) (Satyajit Ray, India, 1964)
 Idle hands n all that…
Link: Ray!
Choices: Devi (The Goddess), Mahanagar (The Big City), Pather Panchali (Song of the Little Road)

& the winner was…

Mahanagar (The Big City) (Satyajit Ray, India, 1963)
 Housewife finds making ends meet more fun than she’d anticipated
Link: It’s a New Thing!
Choices: Being There, Love and Death on Long Island, Room at the Top

& the winner was…

Love and Death on Long Island (Richard Kwietniowski, UK/Canada, 1997)
 Housewife finds making ends meet more fun than she’d anticipated
Link: Obscure objects of desire
Choices: Death in Venice, King Kong, Lolita

& the winner was…

Lolita (Stanley Kubrick, UK/USA, 1962)
 “Light of my life, fire of my loins…”
Link: How Did They Make A Film Out Of…?
Choices: A Cock and Bull Story, Despair, Naked Lunch

& the winner was…

Despair (Rainer Werner Fassbinder, West Germany/France, 1978)
 “Hell shall never parole Hermann”
Link: Doubles
Choices: The Great Dictator, Lost Highway, Vertigo

& the winner was…

Lost Highway (David Lynch, USA, 1996)
 Lynch par excellence
Link: Proto-Lynch!
Choices: Laura, Written on the Wind, The Wizard of Oz

& the winner was…

Laura (Otto Preminger, USA, 1944)
 Detective falls for murder victim
Link: Obsessive Investigations
Choices: The Big Combo, The Pledge, The Third Man

& the winner was…

The Pledge (Sean Penn, USA, 2000)
 Detective keeps on keeping on
Link: Behind The Camera Actors
Choices: Drive, He Said, Lady Bird, Quiz Show

& the winner was…

Quiz Show (Robert Redford, USA, 1994)
It’s A Fix!
Link: Behind The Scene US TV
Choices: Bamboozled, Network, The Truman Show

& the winner was…

Bamboozled (Spike Lee, USA, 2000)
America Loves The Minstrel Show
Link: Contemporary satires on race
Choices: Dear White People, Get Out, Sorry To Bother You

& the winner was…

Sorry To Bother You (Boots Riley, USA, 2018)
Telemarketer’s fast-track to success
Link: Bad Workplaces
Choices: 9-5, Being John Malkovich, Christie Malry’s Own Double-Entry

& the winner was…

Christie Malry's Own Double-Entry (Paul Tickell, UK, 2000)
Accountant’s fast-track to revenge
Link: Indie Pop Soundtrackers
Choices: Pi, The Proposition, White Material

& the winner was…

White Material (Claire Denis, France, 2009)
Tenacious plantation-owner sticks to her guns
Link: Tenacious heroines
Choices: Johnny Guitar, The Ladykillers, The Passion of Saint Joan

& the winner was…

The Passion of Joan of Arc (Carl Theodor Dreyer, France, 1928)
It’s blasphemy they say!
Link: Shhhh!
Choices: The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, The Crowd, The Lodger

& the winner was…

The Crowd (King Vidor, USA, 1928)
It’s hard to live in the city
Link: It’s Hard to Live in the Ciry
Choices: The Landlord, Saturday Night Fever, Shadows

& the winner was…

The Landlord (Hal Ashby, USA, 1970)
WASPy goes a-slummin’
Link: HAL!
Choices: Bound for Glory, Coming Home, Shampoo

& the winner was…

Bound for Glory (Hal Ashby, USA, 1976)
Woody goes a-strummin’
Link: The Great Depression
Choices: The Grapes of Wrath, Miller’s Crossing, The Purple Rose of Cairo

& the winner was…

Miller’s Crossing (Joel & Ethan Coen, USA, 1990)
Wiseguys fall out over dame
Link: “We coulda been anything we wanted to be…”
Choices: The Friends of Eddie Coyle, Goodfellas, The Public Enemy

& the winner was…

The Public Enemy (William A. Wellman, USA, 1931)
Pre-Code Classic
Link: Pre-Code Classics
Choices: Baby Face, Freaks, Trouble in Paradise

& the winner was…

Baby Face (Alfred E Green, USA, 1933)
Gold digger goes prospectin’
Link: Sex Sells! Who’s Buyin’?
Choices: The Draughtsman’s Contract, Entertaining Mr Sloane, To Die For

& the winner was…

Entertaining Mr Sloane (Douglas Hickox, UK, 1970)
Joe Orton’s stage debut gets big screen treatment
Link: From Stage to Screen (60s Style)
Choices: Beyond the Fringe, The Caretaker, The Killing of Sister George

& the winner was…

Beyond The Fringe (Duncan Wood, UK, 1964)
Cook! Moore! Bennett! Miller!
Link: Beyond Beyond The Fringe
Choices: Alice in Wonderlan, Bedazzled, The Madness of King George

& the winner was…

Bedazzled (Stanley Donen, UK, 1967)
Satan swings like a pendulum do
Link: Faust!
Choices: The Devil and Daniel Webster, Faust, Legend Faust

& the winner was…

Faust (F.W. Murnau, Weimar Republic, 1926)
Silent Classic
Link: Pre-emigration emigres
Choices: Destiny, Madam Dubarry, People on a Sunday

& the winner was…

People on a Sunday (Robert Siodmak & Edgar G. Ulmer, Germany, 1930)
Silent Classic
Link: Weekenders!
Choices: Gosford Park; It Always Rains on Sunday; Little Fugitive

& the winner was…

Little Fugitive (Ray Ashley, Morris Engel & Ruth Orkin, USA, 1953)
US Indie Classic
Link: Brooklyn
Choices: Dog Day Afternoon, Smoke, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

& the winner was…

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (Elia Kazan, USA, 1945)
Kazan’s Debut Feature
Link: Rough Diamond Debuts
Choices: Eraserhead, Fear and Desire, Who’s That Knocking At My Door?

& the winner was…

Who’s That Knocking At My Door? (Martin Scorsese, USA, 1967)
Young Italian American Struggles With Catholic Guilt And All That
Link: Catholicism
Choices: The Devils, Diary of a Country Priest, Rome, Open City

& the winner was…

Rome, Open City (Roberto Rossellini, Italy, 1945)
Sympathetic priest assists resistance in Nazi occupied Rome
Link: Italian Neorealism
Choices: Bitter Rice, Ossessione, Umberto D

& the winner was…

Umberto D (Vittorio De Sica, Italy, 1942)
An elderly man and his dog struggle to survive on his government pension.
Link: Mature Leads
Choices: The Friends of Eddie Coyle, The Lady Killers, Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?

& the winner was…

The Friends of Eddie Coyle (Peter Yates, USA, 1973)
A small-time hood considers snitching on his Bostonian ‘friends’ to avoid jail time.
Link: Boston!
Choices: The Bostonians, The Departed, The Verdict

& the winner was…

The Verdict (Sidney Lumet, USA, 1982)
A washed-up lawyer makes last grab at redemption.
Link: Late-Newman
Choices: Buffalo Bill & The Indians, The Color of Money, Nobody’s Fool

& the winner was…

Nobody's Fool (Robert Benton, USA, 1994
Small town wastrel reassess life.
Link: “When you’re growin’ up in a small town…”
Choices: Blue Velvet, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Stranger

& the winner was…

The Stranger (Orson Welles, USA, 1946)
Nazi War Criminal on the lam in Small Town USA
Link: False identies
Choices: Gattaca, The Return of Martin Guerre, Seconds

& the winner was…

Gattaca (Andrew Nichol, USA, 1997)
Genetically inferior man dreams of space travel
Link: Off-Screen Romances
Choices: The Getaway, To Have and Have Not, Woman of the Year

& the winner was…

Woman of the Year (George Stevens, USA, 1942)
Link: Print Media
Choices: All the President’s Men, Almost Famous, Deadline USA,

& the winner was…

Deadline USA (Richard Brooks, USA, 1952)
Bogey fights to save newspaper
Link: Last Will & Testament
Choices: The Grand Budapest Hotel, Hell or High Water, Incendies

& the winner was…

Hell or High Water (David Mackenzie, USA, 2016)
Brothers rob banks
Link: Neo-Westerns
Choices: Brokeback Mountain, The Rider, The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada

& the winner was…

The Rider (Chloe Zhao, USA, 2017)
Rodeo rider in recovery
Link: Blending fact and fiction
Choices: The Exiles, F for Fake, The Firemen’s Ball,

& the winner was…

The Firemen’s Ball (Milos Foreman, Czechoslovakia, 1967)
The leaving do from Hell / Piss-up in a Brewery
Link: 24 hrs
Choices: The Connection, Dazed and Confused, Odd Man Out

& the winner was…

Odd Man Out (Carol Reed, UK, 1947)
On the lam in Belfast
Link: Belfast!
Choices: The Boxer, Good Vibrations, I Am Belfast

& the winner was…

The Boxer (Jim Sheridan, US/Ireland, 1997)
Fighting for peace in Northern Ireland
Link: Boxers!
Choices: Fat City, Raging Bull, The Set-Up

& the winner was…

The Set-Up (Robert Wise, US, 1941)
To throw or not to throw…
Link: Poetry adaptations
Choices: Jabberwocky, Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?, The Raven

& the winner was…

The Raven (Roger Corman, USA, 1963)
Rival wizards go spell-to-spell!
Link: Rivalries!
Choices: The Duellists, Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid, Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?

& the winner was…

The Duellists (Ridley Scott, UK, 1977)
”Have at you, sir!”
Link: Adapted from a short story
Choices: The Holy Man, The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner, Rear Window

& the winner was…

Rear Window (Alfred Hitchcock, UK, 1954)
Convalescent Spies on Neighbours
Link: Hitchcocky!
Choices: Perfect Blue, Phoenix, Stoker

& the winner was

Stoker (Park Chan-wook, USA, 2013)
”Say hello to your uncle Charlie…”
Link: Dysfunctional Families
Choices: The Killing of a Sacred Deer, The Magnificent Ambersons, The Royal Tenenbaums

& the winner was…

The Killing of a Sacred Deer (Yorgos Lanthimos, USA, 2017)
Unbalanced Boy Seeks Revenge
Link: Revenge!
Choices: Cape Fear, Dead Man’s Shoes, Lady Snowblood

& the winner was…

Lady Snowblood (Toshiya Fujita, Japan, 1973)
Daughter seekes gory revenge for parents’ murder
Link: Notebook Out Tarantino!
Choices: Charlie Varrick, City On Fire, Foxy Brown

& the winner was…

Charlie Varrick (Don Siegal, USA, 1973)
Bank Heist Goes South Pretty Damn Fast
Link: Matthau!
Choices: The Bad News Bears, The Fortune Cookie, A New Leaf

& the winner was…

The Fortune Cookie (Billy Wilder, USA, 1966)
The Start of a Beautiful Relationship
Link: Cinematic Double Acts
Choices: Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein, Annie Hall, The Thin Man

& the winner was…

The Thin Man (W. S. Van Dyke, USA, 1934)
Retired P.I. Not As Retired As First He Thought
Link: Dicks in Flicks
Choices: Harper, The Long Goodbye, Vertigo

& the winner was…

Harper (Jack Smight, USA, 1966)
Paul Newman stars in William Goldman’s debut
Link: Goldman!
Choices: Marathon Man, Misery, The Stepford Wives

& the winner was…

The Stepford Wives (Bryan Forbes, USA, 1975)
Something’s rotten in the state of Stepford
Link: Just Because You’re Paranoid…
Choices: Get Out, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, They Live

& the winner was…

They Live (John Carpenter, USA, 1988)
Something’s rotten in the state of THE WORLD!
Link: Media Manipulation!
Choices: Face in the Crowd, Network, Wag the Dog

& the winner was…

A Face in the Crowd (Elia Kazan, USA, 1957)
Nobody becomes Somebody
Link: Kazan!
Choices: East of Eden, Splendour in the Grass, Wild River

& the winner was…

Wild River (Elia Kazan, USA, 1960)
Git Off Ma Land!
Link: Water!
Choices: The Ballad of Cable Hogue, Chinatown, The Man Who Fell To Earth

& the winner was…

Chinatown (Roman Polanski, USA, 1974)
And Stay Away From My Water!
Link: Directors In Other Directors’ Films
Choices: La Grande Illusion, ‘Round Midnight, The Third Man

& the winner was…

Round Midnight (Bertrand Tavernier, USA/France, 1986)
Jazz legend in Paris
Link: JAZZ!
Choices: All Night Long, The Connection, Mo’ Better Blues

& the winner was…

Mo’ Better Blues (Spike Lee, USA, 1990)
Professional rivalry on the bandstand
Link: Denzel!
Choices: Devil in a Blue Dress, Mississippi Masala, Training Day

& the winner was…

Devil in a Blue Dress (Carl Franklin, USA, 1995)
A lady vanishes
Link: The lady vanishes!
Choices: Bunny Lake is Missing, Picnic at Hanging Rock, The Vanishing

& the winner was…

The Vanishing (George Sluizer, Netherlands, 1988)
A lady vanishes
Link: Obsessions!
Choices: Death in Venice, Pi, Take Shelter

& the winner was…

Take Shelter (Jeff Nichols, USA, 2011)
The End is Nigh! Anyone???
Link: Relationships in Crisis!
Choices: Happy Together, Husbands and Wives, Prick Up Your Ears

& the winner was….

Happy Together (Wong Kar-Wai, China, 1997)
On n off n back on again.
Link: You Hum It & I’ll Film It
Choices: Mystery Train, Sea of Love, That’ll Be The Day

& the winner was….

Mystery Train (Jim Jarmusch, USA, 1989)
I’m considerin’ a move to Memphis…
Link: Hotels
Choices: Don’t Bother to Knock, Hotel du Nord, Seperate Tables

& the winner was….

Don't Bother to Knock (Roy Ward Baker, USA, 1952)
Early Monroe
Link: Lesser Seen Monroes
Choices: Clash by Night, Niagara, The Prince and the Showgirl

& the winner was….

Niagara (Henry Hathaway, USA, 1953)
Honeymoon Noir
Link: Honeymoons!
Choices: The Black Cat, Touch of Evil, The White Sheik

& the winner was….

The White Sheik (Federico Fellini, Italy, 1952)
Honeymooners hit Rome
Link: Obsessive Fandom
Choices: The King of Comedy, Misery, The Purple Rose of Cairo

& the winner was….

The King of Comedy (Martin Scorsese, USA, 1982)
”Hello! Rupert Pupkin!”
Link: Stand-Ups
Choices: Annie Hall, The Big Sick, Lenny

& the winner was….

Lenny (Bob Fosse, USA, 1974)
”Lenny Bruce is dead…”
Link: Heroin.
Choices: The Connection, Drugstore Cowboy, Heaven Knows What

& the winner was….

Drugstore Cowboy (Gus Van Sant, USA, 1989)
Cop, Shoot, Cop
Link: Writers’ cameos
Choices: Bunny Lake is Missing, Day for Night, Saboteur

& the winner was….

Bunny Lake is Missing (Otto Preminger, UK/USA, 1965)
Child lost in Swingin’ London Town
Link: Americans in London
Choices: An American Werewolf in London, Dont Look Back, Foreign Correspondent

& the winner was….

Foreign Correspondant (Alfred Hitchcock, USA, 1940)
Read all about it! International spy ring uncovered!
Link: Spies Like These…
Choices: Dishonored, Spione, The Spy in Black

& the winner was….

Dishonored (Josef von Sternberg, USA, 1931
Josef & Marlene!
Link: Great Director-Actor Partnerships
Choices: Aquirre, Wrath of God, The Music Room, Yojimbo

& the winner was…

Yojimbo (Akira Kurosawa, Japan, 1961)
Mysterious stranger rolls into town, stirs up trouble
Link: I’m New Here
Choices: Local Hero, Naked, Red Rock West

& the winner was…

Red Rock West (John Dahl, USA, 1993)
Drifter mistaken for hired killer
Link: Mistaken Identity!
Choices: Galaxy Quest, The Life of Brian, Three Amigos!

& the winner was…

Three Amigos! (John Landis, USA, 1986)
Trio of washed-up actors mistaken for heroic cowboys
Link: Washed-Up Actors!
Choices: The Artist, The Dresser, Whatever Happened to Baby Jane

& the winner was…

The Dresser (Peter Yates, UK, 1983)
Shakespearean great faces final curtain
Link: Toxic Male Relationships
Choices: California Split, Prick Up Your Ears, Sweet Smell of Success

& the winner was…

Prick Up Your Ears (Stephen Frears, UK, 1987)
The rise and fall of Joe Orton & Kenneth Halliwell
Link: Iconoclastic Writers
Choices: Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters, Naked Lunch, Wilde

& the winner was…

Wilde (Brian Gilbert, UK, 1997)
The rise and fall of Oscar Wilde
Link: Wilde!
Choices: An Ideal Husband, The Importance of Being Earnest, Salomé

& the winner was…

An Ideal Husband (Oliver Parker, UK, 1999)
A face from the past threatens the future…
Link: A Face From The Past!
Choices: Casablanca, The Coward, It Always Rains on Sunday

& the winner was…

The Coward (Kapurush) (Satyjit Ray, India, 1965)
A broken down car leads to a romantic reunion…
Link: Ray!
Choices: The Chess Players, The Hero, Pather Panchali

& the winner was…

The Chess Players (Shatranj Ke Khilari) (Satyajit Ray, India, 1977)
Chessin’ while Avadh gets annexed
Link: Chess!
Choices: Bobby Fischer Against the World, The Dark Horse, The Seventh Seal

& the winner was…

The Seventh Seal (Ingmar Bergman, Sweden, 1957)
Knight takes Death!
Link: Plague!
Choices: Death in Venice, Masque of the Red Death, Panic in the Streets

& the winner was…

Panic in the Streets (Elia Kazan, USA, 1950)
Knight takes Death!
Link: Race Against Time!
Choices: Escape from New York, High Noon, Seven Chances

& the winner was…

High Noon (Fred Zinnemann, USA, 1952)
Sheriff struggles to raise to posse!
Link: Small Town Law n Order!
Choices: Cop Land, Fargo, In the Heat of the Night

& the winner was…

In the Heat of the Night (Norman Jewison, USA, 1967)
They call me Mr Tibbs!
Link: Class of ‘67
Choices: Bonnie & Clyde, The Graduate, Who’s That Knocking At My Door

& the winner was…

Who's That Knocking At My Door (Martin Scorsese, USA, 1967)
They call me Mr Tibbs!
Link: Under the Influence!
Choices: I Vitelloni, On the Waterfront, Shadows

& the winner was…

Shadows (John Cassavetes, USA, 1959)
Race-relations in Beat-era NYC
Link: Cassavetes!
Choices: The Killers, Mikey and Nicky, Rosemary’s Baby

& the winner was…

Rosemary’s Baby (Roman Polanski, USA, 1968)
Just because you’re paranoid it doesn’t mean you’re not living next door to WITCHES!
Link: Spooky 60s
Choices: Eyes Without a Face, Peeping Tom, Psycho

& the winner was…

Peeping Tom (Michael Powell, UK, 1960)
All this filming isn’t healthy…
Link: Voyeurz!
Choices: Autofocus, Sex, Lies & Videotape, Three Colours: Red

& the winner was…

Three Colours: Red (Krzysztof Kieslowski, France, 1994)
Just because you’re paranoid it doesn’t mean you’re not living next door to WITCHES!
Link: More colours red
Choices: Amélie, In the Mood for Love, The Red Shoes

& the winner was…

In the Mood for Love (Wong Kar-Wai, Hong Kong / France, 2001)
Love thy neighour!
Link: Starring Maggie Cheung
Choices: Hero, Irma Vep, Police Stort

& the winner was…

Hero (Yimou Zhang, Hong Kong/China, 2002)
Who’s killin’ the king?
Link: Wuxia!
Choices: Dragon Inn, Last Hurrah for Chivalry, Zu: Warriors from the Magic Mountain

& the winner was…

Last Hurrah for Chivalry (John Woo, Hong Kong/China, 1979)
Who’s tellin’ the truth?
Link: Deception!
Choices: Double Indemnity, Reservoir Dogs, Seconds

& the winner was…