(aka Some Other Stuff We Get Up To)
Welcome to Extracurricular Corner! In addition to running Tufnell Park Film Club every week these are a few other things Nigel and Wayne are up to that might be of interest…
Nigel’s walks and talks
In 2022 Nigel became a qualified tour guide and since then has been walking and talking all over London. Though he leads tours about various aspects of social and cultural history, unsurprisingly he specialises in cinemas. You can see all his upcoming tours and talks here and sign up to his mailing list here. More information at nigelsmithwalks.com.
Wayne’s book blogs
Wayne’s got a couple of book-based blogs on the go:
Dedicated To… is his collection of inscriptions found inside secondhand books. (The book of the Blog is still knocking around on Amazon and similar outlets…)
And Three Score & Ten (Or: Like Ice Under a Terrible Sun) is his ongoing/interminable record of characters’ ages in literature.
Wayne’s also written about literature and music for various publications over the years. You can view his articles ‘n’ bumf here.
Wayne’s rock ‘n’ roll years
Finally, over in the Where Are They Now? file, the two albums and various singles, demos etc from Wayne’s old band, Kelman, are now on Spotify. And his old old band, Baptiste, are on Bandcamp - as are Kelman. (All also available as physical media if anyone is that way inclined. Queries to the usual address, etc.)