“The combination of Richard Donner’s superb original casting and visual attack with Lester’s wit and his ear for sound proves a pretty formidable alliance.
Screened in tribute to Margot Kidder (1948 - 2018)
For a generation Margot Kidder will forever be Lois Lane. It's nearly an hour before she makes an appearance in the first film, so, in tribute, we're showing the very enjoyable sequel that sees her romance with the Man of Steel develop into a major plot point.
The triumvirate of villains from Krypton seen briefly in Superman The Movie and led by Terrence Stamp as General Zod, break free and hightail it to Earth where they have the same powers as Superman (Christopher Reeve). Meanwhile Lois realises that mild-mannered Clark Kent and Superman are actually the same person. Should Superman give up his give up his powers to become normal and live happily ever after with Lois? Without his super powers, how can Superman vanquish Zod and save the world?
Gene Hackman, Ned Beatty, Susannah York, and Jackie Cooper return from the first film, which was shot at the same time as parts of Superman II. Without question one of the greatest blockbuster sequels.