“Nicholson explodes on the screen in a performance so flawless in timing and character perception that it should send half the stars in Hollywood back to acting school.”
Screened in tribute to Milos Forman (1932 - 2018)
Milos Forman was one of the leading lights of the Czech New Wave in the 1960s and found global fame after he moved to US with such films as Amadeus and Man on the Moon. His best-loved, and most acclaimed film remains his adaptation of Ken Kesey's counter-culture classic that swept the board at the 1976 Academy Awards.
Jack Nicholson leads an incredible cast that includes Brad Douriff, Christopher Lloyd and Danny DeVito as inmates of a state mental hospital who he inspires to revolt against the cold and inflexible Nurse Ratched (Louise Fletcher) and the hospital's systematic oppression of its patients.