“As Weber and Weissman demonstrate with such insight and celebratory verve, the Cockettes weren’t as much about gender, sexual preference or political agitprop as they were simply a triumph of the indomitable human will to rebel, connect and create...”
Screened as part of Pride Month.
In the gay San Francisco of the '70s, a flamboyant ensemble of hippies decked themselves out in gender-bending drag and tons of glitter for a series of legendary midnight shows at the Palace Theatre. In their 2 1/2 year existence, The Cockettes created 20 shows, and were featured in 4 films. They created a unique burst of cultural experimentation and artistic outrageousness that continues to influence the worlds of theatre, music, fashion, gay politics and spirituality, and urban club life. Bill Weber & David Weissman’s, entertaining, and ultimately poignant, documentary is fascinating look back at a forgotten corner of pop culture.